Are You Feeling Insane?

Does the thought of coming into your office make you crazy? I once met a woman who told me she felt like gathering up all her papers, piles & files, books, even the computer … throwing it all out the window into one big pile … then pouring gasoline over it … (imagine this description […]

Let Go Of That One Thing!

You know the thing I’m talking about. Its been bugging at you for far too long now. You really feel like you “should” do it, but you just can’t seem to get yourself to make it happen. Don’t be a should-head. If it’s been there for a long time, how important is it anyway? Just […]

A Better Tomorrow Starts Today!

Instead of fumbling around in the morning trying to put out fires and figure out what’s next, hit the ground running by making your task list at the end of your workday the day before. Here are some benefits for planning the night before: You have more clarity the night before At the end of […]

Simplify Your Life!

One of the best things I ever did was to simplify everything that I could. ‘Simplify’ was a theme I used a few years ago as a guidepost for keeping me on track with my goals. I was so jazzed by the results that I even created an ongoing list of stuff I wanted to […]

Are You A Desk Potato?

Long commutes, lengthy desk sessions, and nightly TV marathons … all this sitting is now called the new smoking and it’s really bad for us. Yup. I’m pretty guilty of doing marathon sessions at my desk. How about you? The good news is you can improve your flexibility and strength – and your productivity – […]

Are You Cheating Yourself Out Of Your Weekends?

The weekend is here! Hooray!! Finally, some relax time is on the horizon. Time away from the hustle and bustle of everyday work life. Time to unwind … laze around … hang loose … put your feet up. You know … take a break – a real break – from work. But wait. What is […]

Perfection Kills Productivity

Do you suffer from perfectionism? Not sure? Do any of the following hit close to home? 5 Signs You’re a Prefectionist You obsess over simple tasks. You’re almost neurotic about planning and preparing for Every. Little. Thing. Nothing is ever good enough. You spend copious amounts of time perfecting something, even at the expense of […]

Is this one habit derailing your day?

I’m just going to jump right in and attack this right off the bat. Do you check your email first thing in the morning? I know it’s tempting. I mean, it’s right there on your phone or on your computer. Why not quickly have a look-see at what’s come in while you were sleeping? No […]

Time Management Lies We Tell Ourselves Every Day!

When it comes to time, most of us are guilty of telling ourselves little white lies. Sometimes, we tell whoppers like … I don’t have enough time … I’ll do it later … I can multi-task … They seem harmless, but these little deceptions can have a negative impact on our overall lives. When you’re […]

The Truth About Sleep & Productivity!

If you think you have to stay awake longer to get more things done, think again. Sleep is one of the first behaviors many of us are willing to sacrifice, on the mistaken assumption that doing so will allow us to be more productive. But studies have proven that with a good night of sleep […]