Make Time For The Not-So-Critical Stuff!

Ever get tired of hearing you should focus your time and energy only on high-value tasks? You know … the important stuff. But what about the not-so-important stuff? Those tasks that keep nagging at you. When are you gonna get those done? We’d all like to work on high-value tasks and activities, but just about […]

Let Go Of That One Thing!

You know the thing I’m talking about. Its been bugging at you for far too long now. You really feel like you “should” do it, but you just can’t seem to get yourself to make it happen. Don’t be a should-head. If it’s been there for a long time, how important is it anyway? Just […]

Start Where You Are!

It’s the New Year and if you’re like a lot of people, you may have committed to finally getting that thing (you know the thing I’m talking about) started and completed. Maybe you’ve been stockpiling stuff/materials/info/ideas – whatever it is – until you’ve got … … the right time, … the right system, … the […]

Perfection Kills Productivity

Do you suffer from perfectionism? Not sure? Do any of the following hit close to home? 5 Signs You’re a Prefectionist You obsess over simple tasks. You’re almost neurotic about planning and preparing for Every. Little. Thing. Nothing is ever good enough. You spend copious amounts of time perfecting something, even at the expense of […]


  Does the following scenario sound familiar? You come into your office, sit down and look at the papers spread out on your desk and pick one of them up. It’s from John. “Oh, I have to call John,” you say. So you start a to-do pile somewhere on your desk and that paper goes […]

A New Spin On An Old Nemesis … Procrastination!

I have a confession to make. Brace yourself. Sometimes … I procrastinate. Yup. It’s true. This productivity connoisseur’s (fancy word for an expert) time management skills are questionable at times. Some days I do it more than others. And some days I don’t do it at all. I read about it and attempt to avoid […]