Breakfast Television: Purging With Purpose - Are you hanging onto stuff because you're not sure what to do with it? In this Breakfast Television segment, I share some places you can feel good about passing your unwanted stuff to. (Note: video is no longer available 🙁 ) Often people hang onto things because they may still have some usefulness, they're not… Continue Reading...
Breakfast Television: Junk Drawer Makeover! - The Junk Drawer – it’s a common fixture in most homes – that catch-all place for everything and anything: menus, pens, nails, string, tools … you name it. If you’re not sure where it really belongs – into the junk drawer it goes. But maybe there's a better way to manage all those miscellaneous objects.… Continue Reading...
Breakfast Television: Dive Into Spring Organizing! - Are you putting off Spring Organizing because you just don't know where to begin? It's easy to do if you follow these tips from my Breakfast Television Calgary segment. (Sorry, video is no longer available 🙁 ) Spring brings a sense of renewal with it so it’s a perfect time to give your home a refreshed… Continue Reading...