Quit attempting to be perfect. Some tasks do not require your best effort. Learn to distinguish between tasks that deserve to be done with excellence and tasks that just need to get done.
Perfectionism impairs that judgment and it seriously kills productivity. If you’re a perfectionist, learn to tolerate “good enough” when appropriate.
Practice it in small ways like allowing spelling mistakes in your to-do lists or letting your paper files get a little messy-looking.
If you tend to lose yourself in a task, then try setting a limit of how much time you’re willing to spend on it. Set a timer and challenge yourself to just get it done.
Adopt a mantra to help you stop the madness of perfectionism like: ‘I like it JUST the way it is!’ (this one has helped me many times)
It’s a spiritual exercise that will help you make better judgments about how to spend your time.
Practice imperfection – get more done.