When you look around, do you see evidence of incomplete commitments, projects, tasks, and “I’ll deal with that later” piles?
Do you wonder how on earth you are EVER going to get it all done?
If you answered yes to these questions, you’re not alone.
Now, let me ask you this: are you as tired as I am about hearing from the ‘experts’ on how to get this stuff done? You know … write down your goals, prioritize them, set dates, and schedule them in your planner … yadda yadda blahdey blah.
Are you thinking what I’m thinking?
Not that this isn’t good advice, and there’s no denying we wouldn’t ALL benefit from following these practices, but for some people, this is the stopping point in the whole process of getting stuff done.
It may just be too complicated and structured for some of you … right now.
We live and work in a time where there’s much more to do than we have time to do it. It’s the reason it’s more critical today than ever before, to find simpler ways to stay on top of our ever-expanding workloads.
Want to know my super simple secret to getting stuff done?
I set time limits and I limit the amount of stuff I can reasonably do.
Yup. It’s that easy.
Before you blow this idea off, think about it for a moment.
If you knew you had a set amount of time to work on something, how likely is it you’d get down to the crux of the work and eliminate the superfluous stuff?
For example, how ruthless are you the day before you leave for vacation? Suddenly many tasks and commitments don’t appear to be nearly as important as you thought when it seemed you had time available to do it.
And if you limited the number of commitments and stuff to do, wouldn’t your workload get a bit lighter? Thereby giving you more time to work on the REALLY important stuff?
I think so.
Time management doesn’t need to be a complicated, step-by-step process. It can be as easy as setting time limits and limiting how much you can reasonably get done.
It’s time to GET REAL!!
You are not Superhuman – you cannot get it all done at the pace you’re currently working at. And an endless amount of ‘time’ is NOT going to suddenly drop down into your life.
You need to start doing something – anything – to get that stuff done quickly.
So, what can you limit today? Do it. Get more done.
Now, get on with your day!