What is a Certified Professional Organizer?

Certified Professional Organizer Certified Professional Organizers (CPOs) have proven industry proficiency by demonstrating they possess the body of knowledge and experience essential to professional organizing and productivity consulting.

The CPO® credential identifies professional organizers who’ve documented a specific number of paid hours that include transferring organizing skills to the client, and passed the Board of Certification for Professional Organizers (BCPO®) examination. The credential provides the organizing and productivity industry a way to elevate its professional standards.

Why Hire a Certified Professional Organizer?
CPOs embody a professional ideal that includes a proven level of knowledge, an ethical approach, and requisite experience. Professional organizers who have successfully completed the steps of becoming a CPO® have shown they are committed and serious about their work. By maintaining CPO® status, they are demonstrating a strong commitment to ethics and education.

A Certified Professional Organizer will have agreed to adhere to the BCPO® Code of Ethics for Certified Professional Organizers®. This enhances individual performance because CPOs are held accountable to the Code in more than one way. CPOs made aware of an act or omission of another CPO® in violation of the Code are required to report it to the Professional Practices Committee. Complaints may also be filed by the public.











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